Attorney for the Child, New York
Douglas J. Broda
Post Office Box 239
Troy, New York 12182
Phone: 518-272-0580
Please note: Douglas Broda claims on his website that any other address found online is not valid but that is not true. If you wish to serve Douglas Broda in a lawsuit, New York State requires that you must serve him in person. Douglas Broda home address is: 13 Ribbon Candy Lane, Troy, NY 12182.
I personally witnessed him live there with his wife when I served him with my process server.
According to the Times Union, Douglas Broda is the third highest paid Attorney for the Child in the Attorney for the Child Program in New York (link). It’s rumored around the water cooler in New York State that Douglas Broda has aspergers but that is just hearsay. This AFC needs a psych evaluation at the very least.
Attorney for Children (AFC), Douglas Broda has exhibited extremely biased behavior and has not represented the children’s real interests, ignoring all my communication and information put forth about the plaintiff husband/father Luke Walker inappropriate behavior with children including parental alienation and exposure of adult BDSM material. This AFC, Douglas Broda, encourages and supports parental alienation by a convicted sexual predator and supports the children around a lifestyle of prostitution of Mistress Couple. Doug Broda has been anything but the voice for the children and their needs to have a strong lovely relationship with their loving mother. AFC Douglas Broda was a defendant to a 42 USC 1983 Civil Rights action [link] and retaliated against Alisha Clark Walker during the Walker v. Walker trial held in the Fall of 2022.
During the cross examination of the mother, Broda raised his voice and was physically aggressive, pointing his index finger right in the face and near the eyes of the defendant wife/mother, while she was on the stand. At that point, I had to tell Mr. Broda during the trial, “Do you have to point at me like that, it’s really [scary, you’re scaring me].”, [August 24 2022 Transcript Vol. 6, Page 1342]. Mr. Broda also exhibited aggressive behavior during the cross examination of the other mother's witness causing fear and anxiety of all the mother’s witnesses. Mr. Broda ignored the fact a witness testified during trial that the father sexually assaulted her (who was a court supervisor). Attorney for the Child, Broda has substituted his voice for that of the two children, and he has not provided the children’s voices to be properly expressed in regards to our children’s expressed positions involving their relationship and parenting by their mother.
After this very clear assault and unethical bias during trial, I made a disqualification motion, in which Judge Anthony McGinty ignored and dismissed (link).
On February 1st, 2023 I made a complaint to the NY Office of Attorneys for Children for physically assaulting me on the stand (here). I was hoping in my extremely thorough complaint, I would have some protection from Douglas Broda, but that was hardly the case. John W. Kraigenow, Director of the NY Office of Attorneys of Children, did not require Douglas Broda removal/disqualification from the case. I was told in a letter by Mr. Kraigenow, it’s policy for the AFC NOT to be removed if the case is pending in appeals (in which mine was/is). Mr. Kraigenow gave the green light for Doug Broda to assault me again at any time. Apperatelty, the Director of the NY Office of Attorneys for the Children and Judge Anthony Mcginty think that it’s ok for AFCs to physically assault multiple the parents in the children that represent all paid by NYS taxpayers. This is an insult to protective mothers and all children of New York.
Doug Broda, AFC, has a history of being abusive towards mothers. Here is an action brought against Douglas Broda for similar accusations [link]. In this action, a mother accused Broda of the same type of assault like spitting on her, racist slurs and stalking. The mother also accused of Broda of sexual harassment. Perhaps that’s why Broda showed such favoritism to the Registered Sex Offender father in Walker v. Walker. Birds of a feather.
So here we are, the third highest paid AFC in all of New York State can go around physically assaulting mothers, all with zero liability, protected by New York State, all being paid for by the taxpayers. The Third Department of NYS Attorney for Children the program actually awards AFC’s who physically assaults and stalk parents [link]. It’s beyond clear that Douglas Broda has zero interests in his clients but only chooses to retaliate against them. Doug Broda broke all ethical guidelines set by that State of New York. Bias, anyone?
Douglas Broda can be reached by email here: and the
NYS Office of Attorney for the Children can be reached here: